
Art by DileDog & Magicmudcat

You're probably here because of a certain bird themed hellsite making our lives hell. Well, ditto. So here's where to find me!
But first things first: hey! I'm Hound. I'm a puerto rican transman who sometimes draws things, but really just kinda' vibes and just goes with the flow. I'm socially awkward so I prefer just chilling in the background and doing my own thing, which is usually writing, gaming, or watching shows!
*With that being said... *IMPORTANT NOTICE! You might have already noticed, but to confirm, I am currently not active or posting anywhere. While I DO take on the occasional commission or two, I mainly work for and under my spouse, IceFoxWorks / Salem, as a colorist and occasional editor/corrector.
( You should totally check them out btw. They're my favorite. )
Because of this as well as health-related conditions that now affect my everyday life, I'm no longer active and pretty busy with my job as a colorist since it's all I could really do nowadays. I'm still around in the fandom, just not actively posting, opening publically for commissions, or being social! ( Like I said. Hella socially awkward. )If by any chance you need to reach me, please contact my spouse as that's the easiest way to get in contact and easiest for me since socializing is extremely anxiety-inducing for me unless I know you!
Or if you want to message me directly, note me on FurAffinity! :D
And with that being said, if anyone is posing as me and/or posting my art or characters before a public announcement on any of my accounts on any platform, it's NOT me.
I would/will make an announcement!
Please tell me or my spouse immediately if that ever comes up!